When it comes to purchasing life insurance, do you think that you are out of luck because of a medical condition or because you have a lifestyle that involves activities that might be considered ‘risky’? Well, think again, because high risk life insurance policies are sold every day to people who fall into one of these categories. I want to outline a strategy that you can use to purchase life insurance that will responsibly attend to the needs of your loved ones in case you should pass away, and give you peace of mind knowing that you have done so.
A good first step is to take a look at any policies that you already have, for what’s known as a ‘guaranteed insurability rider’. If you see this, it means you have already been paying for the right to increase the coverage you already have. If this doesn’t apply to you, check out the possibility of group insurance, which caters to a wider range of people, and for which one tends not to need a medical check-up. Premiums amounts are often higher with this form of insurance for this reason, but it may make the difference between you getting life insurance or being without it.
Many people with heart problems, diabetes, a history of cancer, etc., need another option, and fortunately today there is one. Whereas 30-40 years ago or more, a lot of people with these health conditions may have not been able to find a high risk life insurance policy at all, today insurance companies have a product generically known as “impaired risk” insurance. Between medical advances, better diagnostic tools and continuing care, as well as more knowledge on the part of patients with these chronic ailments as to how to properly take care of themselves, even ‘high risk’ policyholders have an incrementally better chance of long-term survival, and impaired risk insurance exists because of this fact. So-called clinical medical underwriting takes into account your improved chances, with a detailed look at the condition(s) you have, treatments available, as well as your present health.
What are some high risk life insurance companies? Often they are companies you already know, like Mutual of Omaha, CNA or GTLIC. There are also many companies to be found online, and now that you are aware of the concept of ‘impaired risk insurance’ you know the right term upon which to base your search.
There is such a thing as impaired risk life insurance specialists, who will do the legwork of finding you a high risk life insurance quote. If you have had problems getting a policy based on your health, an agent with experience in impaired risk might save you time as well as money.