A life insurance settlement can be defined in a few different ways, but normally it is simply the sum of money that one's heirs receive after a policyholder passes away. After you responsibly pay your monthly premiums and/or maintain the cash value amount associated...
Whole Life Insurance
Whole Term Life Insurance Ideas
When you choose a life insurance policy, your first decision is to pick from term or whole life insurance (or another form of permanent life insurance). Term life insurance is cost-effective and will give benefits to your family if you die but if you fail to die (so...
What Is Variable Life Insurance
A variable life insurance policy is a type of permanent life insurance that enables you to be more proactive in using the underlying cash value of the policy. With variable life insurance you can invest money in separate accounts holding stocks or bonds whose value...
Instant Whole Life Insurance Quote
The Internet has really simplified the process of getting life insurance, and whole life insurance quotes are readily obtainable with a quick search. Let's start with a definition of whole life, and then move onto a caveat that you have to keep in mind when you are...
Exploring the Advantages of Whole Life Insurance
[ad#ad-1]Two main types of life insurance exist: whole life insurance and term life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specified number of years. This type of insurance plan does not develop a cash value. The whole life insurance definition on the...
Benefits of a Permanent Insurance Policy
[ad#ad-1]Most everyone needs a life insurance policy at some point or another, especially those with young families. It doesn't matter who you are, at some point the need will arise for one, and when it does, you will need to decide what type of life insurance policy...
Whole Life Insurance Quote Tips
[ad#ad-1]Going through quotes for life insurance online, it will be clear to you in minutes that whole life insurance is not the cheapest option. Term insurance has it beaten easily in the price department. You owe it to yourself though, before you dismiss whole life,...
Whole Life Insurance Companies Guide
[ad#ad-1]There are quite a few good whole life insurance companies from which to choose these days. The recent turbulence in financial markets has revealed that a few were on shaky ground, but as the real rough weather seems to abated, we can have more faith in the...
Most Recent Articles
Insurance Settlement Basics
A life insurance settlement can be defined in a few different ways, but normally it is simply the sum of money that one's heirs receive after a policyholder passes away. After you responsibly pay your monthly premiums and/or maintain the cash value amount associated...
Whole Term Life Insurance Ideas
When you choose a life insurance policy, your first decision is to pick from term or whole life insurance (or another form of permanent life insurance). Term life insurance is cost-effective and will give benefits to your family if you die but if you fail to die (so...
Life Insurance Sales Leads
Obviously finding a way to quickly and systematically get high-quality life insurance leads is what it is all about when it comes to life insurance sales. Before the Internet became such a huge force for change, agents employed all sorts of creative and interesting...